
Our Services

Harmony XL PRO


IPL therapy rejuvenates the skin with pulses of light energy, boosting collagen production for a more even complexion and refreshed appearance.

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Laser hyperpigmentation treatment helps diminish dark patches of skin on the face or body, which may be caused by certain conditions or sun exposure.

Laser Melasma Treatment

Laser melasma treatments break up pigmentation in the skin to noninvasively lighten discolored patches of skin around the forearms, face, and neck.

Laser Psoriasis Treatment

If you're suffering from patches of red, rough, scaly skin, laser psoriasis treatments from our professional staff may provide the relief you desire.

Laser Skin & Scar Resurfacing

Minimize the appearance of damage or scars on your skin with laser skin resurfacing, an innovative facial treatment powered by the Harmony XL PRO.

Laser Acne Treatment

If stubborn acne is affecting your self-confidence, laser acne treatments at our Willow Park, TX office may be the solution to clear your complexion.

Laser Tattoo Removal

If the ink you're sporting no longer suits you, our practice offers laser tattoo removal using the state-of-the-art Harmony XL PRO laser from Alma.

Laser Hair Removal (Harmony)

Laser hair removal in Willow Park, TX is ideal for individuals who want a long-lasting solution for removing unwanted hair from the face or body.

Laser Cellulite Reduction

Laser cellulite treatments can help diminish the appearance of dimpled skin (cellulite) around the thighs, buttocks, or anywhere else it may develop.

Laser Nail Fungus Treatment

Laser nail fungus treatments with the Harmony XL PRO can be an effective way to address patchy or brittle nails caused by fungal infections.

Laser Skin Tightening

Laser skin tightening is a noninvasive procedure that boosts the body's production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep skin looking young.

Laser Vein Removal

Laser vein removal treatments can be effective in reducing the appearance of spider veins — dark clusters of blood vessels that show through the skin.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.